
Day 1: Spiced Winter Greens Smoothie + Major leg soreness

Some exciting things happened today; I got to write my name on the Williams Studio challenge tracker in sparkly gold marker, and I got to put my first little orange sticker next to it!  It's the little things for me, really.  Originally, I was planning on going to SE this morning, but I woke up late, so I ended up going to the 8:45 class at Williams.  It was a really great class this morning, but I found myself moving a little slower than usual.  My legs just felt SO sore!  Leg and combo work killed me. I know my legs and hips are a little stiff from my run and leg workouts over the weekend, so that may have affected my energy. Also, since I woke up late I didn't eat a real breakfast (shocker) before class, I just had a cutie orange.  Tomorrow I'm going to try to eat a little more before class to see if that helps me feel more energized.  Today I was just at home getting some work done, and doing some laundry and organizing.  I was able to roast the squash, carrots, onions, and garlic for the soup, as well as make a big batch of roasted veggies (broccoli, cabbage, onions, carrots, brussels sprouts) for Tuesday and Wednesday's dinners.

Here's what I ate today:

Breakfast after class:  Veggie Frittata with peppers, onions, green beans, pesto, avocado, and a sprinkle parmesan cheese. 8oz Latte, cutie oranges (1 eaten before class).

Mid-morning refresher:  Peach Green Tea

Lunch:  Pita chips and veggies with cilantro yogurt dip, babybel cheese, cutie orange, green tea

Sweet treat with lunch:  Barre3 Spiced Winter Greens Smoothie

Late afternoon snack:  Plain rice cake with almond butter and sliced banana

Dinner:  Butternut squash soup (it has carrots and coconut milk in it too!), green salad topped with roasted veggies and herbed goat cheese, with olive oil and balsamic vinegar.

It's only about 8pm, so I will probably have some tea and water before bed.  Hope everyone had a great day, talk with you tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. That all looks wonderful! Good job getting so much roasting done for the week and I hope you are less sore tomorrow. <3 - Angel
